Irwin UKM Evolution
United Knitting Machine Company, Inc. is founded by F. G. Weisbecker. The company is dedicated to machining, fabrication & assembly of specialty equipment designed for the textile industry.
The company moves from the confines of Philadelphia to Lansdale PA as their growth and innovation continue. Much of their hosiery line of equipment is converted to machines better suited to knitting a coarser thread for sweaters and such.
Begins the real decline of the US textile industry and many major manufacturers go out of business. UKM however is able to reinvent themselves into a custom design and metalworking servicing the needs of the local area.
UKM makes their first products for the rail industry and begins to develop the Pennsylvania railroad as a major customer.
UKM continues to grow within the rail industry by developing leading edge products, investing in process equipment technology and becoming a recognized supplier to the industry.
UKM builds a new manufacturing center in Harleysville PA dedicated to their processes and products servicing the passenger rail industry but at the same time, building the design and engineering expertise necessary to keep up with the changing needs of the industry.
United Knitting Machine is renamed to UKM Transit Products. The new entity stands ready to leverage their years of experience on behalf of a new future for the US rail industry.
UKM Transit Products is acquired by Irwin Car & Equipment, the heavy-duty material handling equipment leader, known around the world for delivering exceptional quality and customized precision in the metals, mining, tunneling, energy and transportation industries.
UKM Transit Products
1901 Gehman Road
Harleysville, PA 19438
Monday - Friday, 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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