Track Switching Systems
Irwin Transportation Products engineers, manufactures and maintains wayside communication, track switching, digital warning and passenger information systems for metro, light rail vehicles and streetcars.
Irwin also offers full-service repair and rebuild of AC and DC traction motors.
The company’s acquisition of VECOM USA in early 2015 has made Irwin a single-source supplier to vehicle manufacturers and transit authorities throughout North America.
All products manufactured or sourced by Irwin Transportation Products are Buy America compliant.
The company is an affiliate of Irwin Car and Equipment. For more than 120 years, Irwin has been providing rail-based material handling equipment to customers in the heavy manufacturing, automotive, aerospace and mining sectors. Irwin Car and Equipment is headquartered in Irwin, PA, near Pittsburgh, and operates two manufacturing facilities in Irwin.
The company also has plants in Blairsville, PA, and Tampa, FL, with four sites totaling more than 200,000 square feet of production space.
Track Switching Systems
Our track switching systems move track easily in all weather conditions.The T-3 Electric Track Switch Operator offers:
- 100 Years of Solid Reliability
- Solenoid Operation with Spring Holding
- Authoritative Throw with Trailing Ability
For higher speeds, our new Locking T-3 provides:
- Solid Point Locking to 20,000 lbs.
- Simple Solenoid & Lever Operation
- Proven Reliability
- Between-the-Rails Mounting
- Easy Hand Throw
Controls for all switching applications include:
- PLC-based Systems
- Vehicle-to-Wayside Radio Control
- Track Circuits & Indicator Control
- Power On/Off Control
- Lane Auto Routing
Buy America Compliant Systems for Switch Control & Depot Management
Train to Wayside Communication System
With the recent acquisition of VECOM USA, Irwin Transportation Products offers a wide selection of customized train to wayside communication (TWC) systems.Our TWC systems include:
- VETAG (one-way vehicle tagging)
- VECOM (bi-directional vehicle communication)
- Automatic Loop Scanner
- Priority Switch Control
- Depot Management
Key featers of these systems include:
- Data Transmission Between Vehicle Equipment & Wayside System
- Enhanced Transmission Speeds
- Large Antenna Support Capacity
- Tuned Loops 100% of Time Regardless of Conditions
Siginficant benefits are:
- High Reliability
- Compact
- Cost-Effective
- San Fran Locking T-3 with Streetcar Closeup
- New Orleans T-3 Control Cabinet Relay
- San Fran Dual Tongue-T-3 with Streetcar
- New Orleans T-3 preinstallation
- New Orleans T-3 Control Cabinet
- New Orleans T-3 with Streetcar 4
- New Orleans T-3 with Streetcar 3
- Dallas Locking T-3 with Streetcar